Tuesday 3-18-25
Pitch-a-Pro, 6:30
Rob Taube
This is Round 2 from before,
we don't need any submissions.
New this year, 1 free Pitch
for 1 trivia answer!
In the room only.
To all appropriate guests,
songs must be in our Playlist.
TSAI 2025 Songwriter Awards
= NEWS =

This year's Inductees into
The TSAI Hall Of Fame are;
Danny Wells and
Al Brock!
ALL other
winners will be announced
at the Awards Show.
Also performing,
The Waymasters
Rick Jones & Honey Child
Harken Hall has informed me
Admission will be FREE!
There will be a cut-off at some point,
so get there early.
There should soon be an early
'Reservation' spot on
is excited and Blessed to
announce the recipient of the
2025 TSAI
Lifetime Achievement Award
Mr Bill Anderson!

A true Songwriting icon,
Country Music Hall of Famer,
TV star, and Grand Ole Opry
Please check out his bio on our
home page!
Our Event this year will be held
at the new Harken Hall
in Madison!
This facility is AMAZING!
check it out online.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Doors will open at 6pm.
Make your plans Now!
You don't want to miss this!
BIG NEWS on the
Spodify/MLC lawsuit!
Back up to our Home Page for details!
Join us at
Our NEW meeting spot,
beginning January 7, 2025

"Vibin', baby!"
By Grimey's, next to
Living Waters coffee bar
Mr Bob Dellaposta
has joined the TSAI Board!
Welcome Bob!
Also, Bob has an offer
for us, see below!
Reminder, all times given
are Nashville/Central time.
Please adjust to your local time,
we don't want you to miss anything
just because the Earth is round.
( to new "Pitch Program" members,
please don't send Pitch
requests for future Pitches
until instructed. )
The new TSAI merch is here!
The new TSAI merch is here!
You're on our website, just
back up and go to the
SHOP page, and order
yours NOW!
Mail your flash drives to
152 Dueler Dr
Hermitage, Tn 37076
All other mail to
PO Box 593 Burns Tn, 37029
Twitter (X)
Our account has been revised.
SAME handle as before,
For Pitch procedure,
See previous Newsletters
and website.
You must be a "Pitch Program"
member to participate.
TSAI has a QR code!

Takes ya right to our website, how
cool is THAT!
( you're on the site now, but..)
TSAI YouTube Channel
"TSAI Nashville" on YouTube
"Songwriters Workshop, Tips from TSAI"
Remember, you are now on our website.
Back up and look around!
"Stroll around the grounds
until you feel at home..."
Please remember to use the Amazon links on our
website when you're on-line shopping.
Going to Amazon from our site helps TSAI!
PLEASE, if no one is going to use
this, we will drop it.
Meeting Calendar
Tuesday Night Meetings
6:30 pm
Tuesday 3-18-25
Pitch-a-Pro, 6:30
Rob Taube
This is Round 2 from before,
we don't need any submissions.
Tuesday 4-22-25
Jeff Burns, J&J Productions
TSAI 2025
Tuesday, April 8
@ Harken Hall
The 2025 Josie Music Awards
are open for submissions!
Until April 30th.
for more details
Bob Dellaposta is launching a
GREAT opportunity for TSAI
Ai is a very important part of this
business now.
He's done workshops on Ai
with us, and this offer will
help all those new to it.
He's created 100's of Ai generated
songs, making money.
He's offering, for $25 a song,
to use your lyrics to create one for YOU.
(he may discuss any editing needed for
commercial success).
This is a 'work for hire'.
You'll receive the Master, and
a contract stating you retain
100% copyright.
Production direction of your choice,
(tempo, male, female, genre, etc).
He can also translate to a
Foreign language!
For all the details,
Please contact:
Bob Dellaposta
You will be AMAZED at
the results!
Hey folks, the Government
"raised" the mechanical
license rate from 12.4 cents to
12.7 cents! Hooray!
I'll bet if more of them
were Songwriters it would.....
BIG NEWS on the
Spotify/MLC lawsuit!
Back up to our Home Page for details!

TSAI is partnering with our friend
(Award Winning Hit Writer) Chris Wallin,
to get you his fantastic "Building Great Songs!"
See our Home page for details, TSAI supporters
get a discount, too!
The Podunk Bluegrass Festival's
annual Songwriting Contest is
underway, admissions until
midnight April 30th.
details at
TSAI channel on
Nashville Country Television Network
Our Around Town shows and Awards Shows
are up now, with more coming!
You may need to add NCTVN to your ROKU
On the Home page, scroll down past the
premier networks to "Add a Channel"
Type Nashville Country Television in
the search box,
select the Logo on the right, and let it load.
Scroll across to the TSAI Channel, and enjoy!
We're under "TV Shows".
If you're in the SW Virginia area,
and want to go to the
TSAI Chapter meeting,
contact Brooke McGrady at 540-312-1593
Special news for our performing supporters!
If you're looking for a great option for
merch, contact our sponsor Helen's Pop Art!
We have worked out a deal for you
as a supporter of TSAI! Links above
and on the website.
TSAI has a new Chapter in Colorado!
Contact Revele at tsaicolorado@gmail.com
You can now use Venmo for all your
purchases at TSAI!
Awards Show tickets,
Pitch Program renewals,
Real Country Music On Radio wristbands,
Use tsainashville@gmail.com user name.
TSAI now has an Instagram account!
TSAI Nashville
Twitter, X: TennesseesongW1
TSAI needs help with: IT, website development,
Blog writing, Video editing,
photography, social media, accounting, and more.
If you'd like to get involved, we'd love
to have you! SHARE-(Volunteer) YOUR SKILLS!
We could get a lot more done,
if we could get more help!
wristbands are
available at tsainashville.com
Please help us convince Radio there should be
2 separate Country Music formats,
Pop Country and Traditional Country
Twice as much room for all of us!
Some recommended
Recording Studios
Cash Creek kimo@cashcreekband.com
Dave Smith makinmusictn1970@gmail.com
Pat Lassiter patsbass@gmail.com
Kevin Key kkproductions@gmail.com
John Heinrich johnsteelsax@aol.com
Billy Coane billycoane@gmail.com
Paul Bowen paulbowenmusic@yahoo.com
If you are looking to edit your video footage,
or you'd like stage footage of
your event, reach out to
Joe @Shocker Editing somairot616@gmail.com.
It can be individual songs turned into
music videos
or an entire television show.
Tennessee Songwriters Association, International
PO Box 593, Burns Tn, 37029